Reaching out into our communities is vital to our organization,
developing relationships with community leaders, media, school faculty
and local civic groups can greatly assist each post in achieving the VFW
2024-05-30 -Medway VFW Post 1526 Awards Three $1000 Scholarships to Three (3) Medway High School Students. Scholarship and Awards night for the Class of 2024. It will be
held on Thursday, May 30th, from 6:00 - 8:00pm. Scholarship Awards will be held in the Medway High
School Auditorium. The program now says that all "high school students residing in Medway" are eligible. It also adds a statement at the end of the points list that 5 bonus points will be awarded if a parent or grandparent is a veteran. VFW Scholarship Essay Subject 1st Amendment 1791